Cultural Association Lacus Timavi proposes archeoelogica, a three-day series of lectures about knowledge of Friuli Venezia Giulia historical and archaeological heritage, specifically about the northernmost part of the Adriatic sea, that is today’s Monfalcone area. The two subject matters of the lectures are named Archeo and Logica. The Archeo part will deal with current issues in classical archaeology and the  Logica part will deal with digital innovation as contemporary instrument of knowledge of local history. Promotion and knowledge which can engage new generations. For them there are two events about orientation to the new professions and school-work experiences. In particular, will be described 3dLacus: that is a school-work experience project, realised by cultural association Lacus Timavi in cooperation with I.S.I.S. BEM of Staranzano and FVG Digital Academy, a department of Insiel SpA. Students who joined this project became themselves protagonists in the investigation and the reconstruction of a part of the ancient area of present day Monfalcone, which is full of fascinating archaeological evidences worth knowing and re-evaluating.

wednesday, 30th November

∧ Insiel S.p.A. presents the Seminar “A digital future: our opportunity!”

Randaccio Roman villa: 3D rendering

friday, 2nd December

 Young and local history. 3DLacus project and best pratices for school-work experiences.

∧ Insiel S.p.A. and school-work experiences. Models and perspectives.

∧ Randaccio Roman villa: 3D rendering

saturday, 3rd December

∧ Roman Monfalcone and Medieval Monfalcone

∧ San Marco wood: shipbuilding during the Republic of Venice

∧ The Pucinum, Livia Drusilla’s wine

Il Friuli Venezia Giulia, dai tempi più remoti, è stato crocevia da e per l’Europa centrale e orientale.
Probabilmente, i primi insediamenti antropici in regione sono riferibili all’esistenza di una strada conosciuta come ‘la via dell’ambra e dell’ocra’e i ritrovamenti archeologici testimoniano la convivenza nel Friuli di diverse popolazioni come i Veneti, i Carni e gli Istri.
Nella zona specifica del territorio tra Monfalcone e Duino, le fonti scritte, come la Naturalis Historia di Plinio il Vecchio o le Storie di Tito Livio, raccontano come in epoca romana il territorio fosse caratterizzato da un ampio bacino lagunare, chiamato LACUS TIMAVI.

il ciclo d’incontri archeoelogica, su archeologia e futuro digitale, è sviluppato con il contributo di:

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