


 3dLacus is a digital promotion project dedicated to archaeological heritage of the ancient area of present day Lisert in Monfalcone. The Project originated from a three-day series of events about digital and culture that we proposed to students of local compulsory schools. We organised this event in cooperation with ISIS BEM secondary school of Staranzano.

3dLacus project was made possible with the support of A2A Energiefuture S.p.A, an Italian muti-utility company, a leader in the energy, environment, heat and networks sectors. The Project was created by Cultural Association Lacus Timavi in cooperation with Regional Information Technology Company INSIEL SpA. INSIEL SpA, through its department FVG Digital Academy and the INSIEL4SCHOOL Project, creates activities for Schools.

INSIEL4SCHOOL Project promotes the development of ICT competence by educational seminars, school-work experiences and themed lectures and conferences.
The final goal of 3DLacus Project, as agreed between Association Lacus Timavi, Einaudi Marconi Secondary School and Regional ITC Insiel SpA, is the internship whose aim is to create virtual prototypes of the ancient area of present day Lisert in Monfalcone.

The output of the Project will contribute to the creation of a multimedia library which will contribute to make knowledge of historical and archaeological sites usable for citizenry and particularly for students. This material could therefore be made available by web or used as part of themed educational projects, that the Association has already been proposing to local Schools as part of school programs.

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